Music Midi #8: I've been wasting all my time
This puzzle's title comes from the track by Microwave (yes, a band called Microwave) on today's playlist, and indeed, I have been wasting all my time… making crosswords! I may as well tease some other bands on the playlist that aren't spoilers themselves, so you can look forward to an interesting mix with a lot of heavy music, everything from Julien Baker, to Rage Against The Machine, to Danny Brown. Seen live count this week: six out of ten! We're so back! I seeded this one with a couple favorite tracks, and they fell into place nicely in this 12x. I think I'm settling into a "weekly-ish" rhythm, still trying to refine my grids and fill as I go, but I'm pretty happy with this one. As usual, I'd like to thank my test solvers, Sam and Michael! I'll have my usual little writeup after the puzzle if you're so inclined. fullscreen , .puz , .pdf , .pdf solution