Music Midi #2: you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them"

It's already time for Music Midi #2, now with a puzzle title! This time, I've got a funky little 9x10 that used a couple recent favorite bands as seed entries, plus a 14-track playlist at the end where you can check them out.
This one was very specifically inspired by a band I saw recently. I think I'll try to slip at least one band I've seen live into every playlist, but that might not be a terribly difficult goal: I've seen six of the 14 artists from this playlist alone, and half of the ten bands on the first playlist. Speaking of which, I saw an excellent show this past Tuesday night whose headliner might be making their way into my third midi... No guarantees, but keep an eye out for the next puzzle! I think I'll try to publish once or twice a week, as long as the ideas keep flowing.
Also, if you looked at the hints/playlist, you may have noticed that the first playlist was literally in the exact order of the corresponding across and down entries, because I simply did not think to rearrange them. This time, I sorted the songs by vibes to make it a little less jarring if you decide to skim it.
Finally, as usual, I'd like to thank my test solvers, Lila and Michael again, for their reliable feedback!
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