Music Midi #1

It's my first time posting on a blog since probably 2010, baby, the old internet is back! Anyway, I just started this thing to collect any crosswords I decide to publish, so this is a pretty unceremonious debut, but hey, free crosswords!

This 11x11 is my first entry in what will hopefully be a nice little series of themeless midi crosswords where I try to pack in as much fill as I can that I can hint or reveal using music. So, if you get stumped, or just want a fun accompaniment after the solve, take a look and throw it on! A link to the playlist is in the puzzle note and below. The artists or songs all contain some word that is in the puzzle somewhere, so they are definitely spoilers. And the fun of crosswords is that they force me to include a wild variety of things on a playlist.

Finally, thank you to my test solvers: Lila, Jack, Michael, and my wife! Boo me all you want, I'm saying it in the Borat voice!

Asterisks indicate clues that are associated with a playlist track. The hints for those clues reveal which track number is associated with it. I'll have a little spoiler-filled write-up about the songs in the post-puzzle notes if you're curious, too, so stick around!

Spotify Playlist (SPOILERS)


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